Increasingly, more and more companies are looking to online marketing initiatives, especially search engine optimization, to improve sales and profitability. Search engine optimization (SEO) is a buyer's or seller's perspective that combines technical and marketing skills to rank for specific keywords and phrases that are suitable for search engines.
According to a recent US survey, only 20% of companies outsource search engine optimization programs to specialized SEO companies. The remaining 80% believe they haven't done any search engine optimization or have the resources and skills to do it in-house. Of this 80%, 90% of companies may not be found on the web-they don't exist. To generate critical web visibility, your website typically needs to be ranked in the top 30 results.
So the question is what is in the best interests of your company?
Implement the SEO program in-house or outsource. To answer this question, let's first look at the knowledge, skills, and resources needed to implement and maintain a successful search engine optimization program.
Requires SEO knowledge and skills
1) A basic understanding of how search engines and directories work.
This may seem too obvious, but you'll be amazed at how many people don't really understand how it works. This knowledge provides the foundation for an SEO program.
2) Website design
SEO isn't a completely technical marketing process, but it does require a fair amount of technical knowledge about what constitutes a web design suitable for search engines. Certain web design elements can help or hurt search engine rankings. You just need to know which is which.
3) SEO experience
This is the most important and most difficult knowledge to acquire. If you've never implemented an SEO program, it's a big surprise. Search engine optimization programs require a lot of research and are very time consuming. Most importantly, you need real SEO experience. This means knowing that SEO strategies and tactics work and which ones don't.
Internal and outsourced SEO programs
If your company is thinking of implementing your search engine optimization program in-house, here are some questions to consider.
• Who is responsible for analyzing, developing, implementing and measuring the success of SEO programs?
• Is this considered the role of IT, marketing, or any other individual within the company?
• Do you have the time, knowledge, and resources to successfully implement and maintain a search engine optimization program? And do they really care if it works?
IT department
Does your IT department typically handle multiple routine tasks, from troubleshooting your company's LAN or WAN to repairing your sales department's laptop? What do you think is the priority and focus he or she commits to for the SEO program during a busy IT person's day? And even if your IT department has web design and development skills, these skills are only a small part of the knowledge you need to succeed in a search engine optimization program.
Marketing Department
Marketing departments typically coordinate many marketing projects at once and face tight deadlines. From processing new print promotional material campaigns to preparing for the launch of new products and services, marketers have very limited time. In addition, how knowledgeable is your marketing department about the technical aspects of web design and search engine optimization? Do they have time to get acquainted? Do they have enough internal resources? Often, the answer to both questions is "no", but it's not.
Other individuals in the company
understood. Responsibility lies with someone other than the marketing or IT department. Who is it and why are they responsible for your SEO program? Offering a new "project of the month" to these individuals usually removes another checkmark from their monthly to-do list, and top management is frustrated with why they don't get sales results on their website. ..
From a business perspective, it makes sense to leverage internal resources wherever possible to maximize the productivity and profitability of your company. However, there must be a line between knowing what an organization's capabilities are and knowing what it is not.
As you can see, search engine optimization is more than visible. To implement and maintain an SEO program, you need to acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, and resources. This can be done by hiring a professional search engine optimization company. Professional SEO companies have dedicated resources and experience to support their web marketing initiatives. By leveraging their experience and know-how, your company can implement successful search engine optimization programs quickly and efficiently.
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